For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope.....

...for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it. Romans 8:24-25
While most people start a blog at the beginning of their adoption journey I find myself putting together one at the end. Why? It can be answered by the first question they ask you when you start to put together the blog..."Title for your blog?" That was enough to stop me. Something so personal...what should my blog say? I knew it should express HOPE. Knowing there is hope in every situation, at every place in your life and that hope can never run out. We're adding to our family again: a little girl named Amisha. She will have spent her first three years in an orphanage this coming October 10th. I wonder if she held on to hope... she has a condition called schizencephaly. Her time here on earth will be determined by complications as time passes. For now we will bring her home, love her and hope....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mom is just so proud of me!!!!

Amisha's little sad heart is slowly healing. She only cries briefly now when I have to take her from Kyle. When he is not around she is actually borderline happy. I decided on Wednesday I needed to switch her clock around because I could not get up at 1 or 2 a.m. for the day anymore. So where do you go when it is freezing out...the mall. She loves the mall and the stroller. We have spent the last three days staying awake at the mall. Today we even made our first trip to the Mall of America. I don't recommend it on a Saturday- she, of course, loved it. She even ate a whole dish of ice cream which will hold her for the entire day I think. She slept until 4:30 a.m. last night and it was so nice. I can stop watching the clock and telling myself it is an OK time to start making coffee. She wants to do everything the boys do. Her left side is weak and she can barely grasp with the left hand but she figured out how to hold the stick horse with her right hand and run around. She was thrilled and mom was even more thrilled!! She also loves to color, not necessarily on paper, so I am going to post a picture of that also. Can she smile big or what? When she is happy, she is happy. Life will never be the same here. I just want to thank everyone again who has commented on the blog, emailed, called or stopped by. I can't put into words how much it has meant to Kyle and I.


Anonymous said...

She looks so happy -- I can't wait to meet her. Starbucks just isn't the same without you. Call when we can have a play date!!


this One's for the girls said...

She's so gorgeous! It's a good thing they're so cute, especially at 4:30 a.m., hmm? I'm glad to hear she's settling in and revealing more of her happy disposition with you. :o)
-- Nancy (Anya Rashi's mama)

The Pfeiffer Family said...

Amisha has such a gorgeous smile. Her eyes and smile just light up her whole face!! She is a sweetheart. I am happy she is sleeping more at regular hours and is slowly starting to heal. It is wonderful that you are finally altogether and can start making years of memories together.

April (#6 waiting for Alesha)

Amanda said...

I'm so glad that she is settling. It is so hard in the first few weeks. I can't wait to see all the pictures as she settles in even more.

Cindy said...

Amisha looks so happy--she is absolutely beautiful...

Thanks for sharing with us Internet folks--

CindyO (mommy to Luke Swarnadip and Emy Durba)