Amisha getting ready for her MRI...yes, mom even thinks I am cute in a hospital gown!
Amisha has been a busy girl conquering all her Dr. appointments. We were a little slow in getting started with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming shortly after getting home, but we are on a roll now. Monday she was evaluated by the school district, she completed the tests that both Matthew and Jonathan completed so I knew what was covered and I was ecstatic for her how well she did. I am not just saying this because I am her mother...she is so smart!!!! She tested out for a typical 34 mos. old. She is 39 mos. old. How can that be?!! She did better on some areas than the boys did and she is younger for the test. Mom is going to kick some serious lazy boy butts into gear.
On Tuesday we met the Physiatrist that the neurologist referred us to and she talked to us at length about schizencephaly and cerebral palsy. She was really happy to find all the neurological messages that are going to her left arm and leg, she thought she would really make gains with therapy. Then we went through the same OT testing she did at the school and she did even better there. She completes tasks such as drawing a circle, opening a bottle, putting a string through tiny beads etc. She only has the right hand!!! Not only that, but how does she understand what you ask her when she has only been learning MN english for 2 months!! Even the OT person was really impressed. Then she had her hips x-rayed, a cast for a leg brace for the left leg to help her left leg have a normal gait, and was scheduled for botox injections in the left arm during her MRI today. The botox we loosen up her left arm muscles to use the left hand more. Eventually they will cast the right arm so she can't use it, mom will be put under for that. (ha ha) We managed to fit in a post placement visit before we left for the MRI. The MRI went great. I was apprehensive with her not being able to eat and having to be put under. She didn't complain once about not eating and when they administered the anesthesia with the mask she just sat and smiled at me, even the nurses couldn't believe how sweet she was.
Her speech is even coming along. She has a small list of words she uses now, my favorite is of course, "ma".
So, we still have to conquer the PT eval, speech eval, hearing test, vision test, fit the leg brace, MRI follow-up......and the list goes on.
The dear sweet girl could not be a better patient. Blessings to all who are praying for her.